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Housing overview and rules


  • OSI UOR IDOC system
  • All player houses will be extendable and have 3 stages. After the initial placement it can be upgraded via the house menu twice. When upgraded, it gets another flor, more secure containers, lockdowns, etc.
  • If an upgraded house gets “redeeded”, the deed saves the stage. So when placed again, it appears in the stage it was before it was “redeeded”.


  • Only the Owner can refresh his house
  • All characters of an account that is Owner/CoOwner in a house, have full Owner/CoOwner rights
  • No combat restrictions in the house
  • BulletinBoards can be accessed by everyone in public houses (if not banned) or just by friends in private houses
  • Everyone can use locked down dices, clocks, runes and VendorRentalContracts
  • Friends can add items to a locked down stack
  • Friends can use locked down dyes
  • Locked down RewardBraziers and other light sources (BaseLight) can be used by CoOwners (switch on/off)
  • Only Owners can place Vendors directly (others have to use a VendorRentalContract instead)
  • Secureable (in use): Containers, HouseDoors, Runebooks, BoardGames, Books, DyeTub, SpecialDyeTubs, PotionKeg
  • Creatures that are not tamed can not enter player houses
  • In public houses you can not lock the front doors nor set its security levels. The other doors allow that.
  • Decay period is 7 days during alpha/beta.

On Owner Deletion

  • If the account has another char, the house ownership will go over to the next character of the account
  • If no other character is on the account or the account gets deleted, the house will be “Condemned” and will decay normally. The house sign will indicate that the house is condemned.

Context Menus


  • Click on self: Leave house (in every house, dead and alive)
  • Click on house sign: Vendors (if Vendors are present)


  • Click on grey player/visitor: Eject, Ban


  • Click on secured item (Container, Keg, etc + HouseDoor): Set Security
  • Click on not locked down or secured Containers: Secure this

List of available houses

See here

housing/overview.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/16 18:07 by ronin

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