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Mining, Lumberjacking and Skinning

Mining and lumberjacking are handled via “harvest banks”. Every harvest bank is filled with a dice rolled resource.


Depending on the region where the crafter is located, the dice roll chances are as following:

Level 1 on every Dungeon

  • 40% Iron Ore/Logs
  • 30% Shadow Ore/Logs
  • 21,6% Copper Ore/Logs
  • 4,2% Bronze Ore/Logs
  • 2,8% Verite Ore/Logs
  • 1,4% Valorite Ore/Logs

Level 2 on every Dungeon

  • 25% Iron Ore/Logs
  • 33% Shadow Ore/Logs
  • 30,2% Copper Ore/Logs
  • 5,9% Bronze Ore/Logs
  • 3,9% Verite Ore/Logs
  • 2,0% Valorite Ore/Logs

Level 3 on every Dungeon

  • 10% Iron Ore/Logs
  • 31% Shadow Ore/Logs
  • 42,5% Copper Ore/Logs
  • 8,3% Bronze Ore/Logs
  • 5,5% Verite Ore/Logs
  • 2,7% Valorite Ore/Logs

Everywhere else

  • 75% Iron Ore/Logs
  • 15% Shadow Ore/Logs
  • 9,3% Copper Ore/Logs
  • 0,4% Bronze Ore/Logs
  • 0,2% Verite Ore/Logs
  • 0,1% Valorite Ore/Logs

Additionally on every mine attempt a 50%/50% chance is given to aquire the resource type of the vein or, in dungeons, the fallback resource which is one type below the vein type. So if a player gets a Bronze mining vein, he will get (in average) 50% copper and 50% bronze ore out of it.
Outside of dungeons, the fallback resource is always iron.

Skill check

Also on every mine attempt, a skill check has to be passed to get resources (against the resource type - what defines the min and max skill for the skill check - see the table above). Here the resource type of the used tool provides a bonus (a valorite pickaxe gives 25% mining skill bonus as an example)

Harvest bank upgrades

There are 2 ways a harvest bank can be upgraded to the next better recource:

  1. Luck: the more luck a player has, the higher are the chances that a harvest bank will upgraded to a higher resource. With 100 luck, the player has the doubled chance to upgrade the vein (relative to the chance the resource he tryes to update to has). Example: The player mines the first time on a fresh spot and gets a shadow vein. The chance for copper in a dungeon level 2 is 30.2%. So with 100 luck he has a 60.4% chance to upgrade the vein to copper. With 10 luck, he has a 6.4% chance to get the upgraded vein. This upgrade possibility is only given when the vein gets filled (so on the first mine attempt - not on every single mine attempt on an existing vein.)
  2. Prospectors Tool: using a prospecters tool, a player can upgrade a harvest bank (once) to the next higher resource

Hidden resource gathering

See Stealth

crafting/gathering/miningandlumberjacking.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/18 18:44 by ronin

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