Skill Mastery: Poisoning
Base Perks
Toxicity Surge
Increases the damage of poison ticks
Damage bonus: 10% per level
Stultifying Poison
Chance to temporarily decrease the targets movement speed on poison infliction (via weapon hit or spell).
Chance: 5% per Level
Duration: 90 seconds
Template Bonus
Perk: Poisonous Doom
Increases damage when target is poisoned.
Damage Bonus: 10% per level
Proc: Noxious Cloud
Poisons all creatures in a radius of 6 tiles around the player.
The poison type depends on the players poisoning skill:
- till 90: Greater Poison
- till 100: Deadly Poison
- at 120: Leathal Poison
character/skill_masteries/poisoning.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/29 09:12 by ronin